Private Session

My first private session with Selina was absolutely mind-blowing. I had a number of different energy works when I lived in UK but I had never had the multi-dimensional experience and the depth of healing Selina offers. It took me a few days to align myself to a new vibration but it was so wonderful […]
Private Session

“To the healers of the world, remember to heal yourselves first before healing others. As a reflection of this commitment to my own wellness and to my clients, I have regular healing sessions with Selina. She is amazingly powerful, gifted and able to handle the responsibility to heal the healers. Her sessions are deep, spiritually […]
Private Session

I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful healing session I had with you on March 6th. I feel so “light” and my head so much clearer!!!!!! I feel so positive and alive! Arlene Johnson Collingwood, ON
Private Session

The personal healing sessions with Selina helped me remarkably. Since doing them, I have felt a greater connection to Spirit, the Earth, the Spirit Guides and myself. They have brought positive outlook and healing into my life. I would highly recommend them to anyone. They have helped me on my path. Amanda Dainow Annapolis Valley, […]
Private Session

When I began working with Selina, my resources were utterly depleted. Her healing went deep to the heart of this and I followed the suggestions that came from our two sessions, with gusto – spending some time among trees among other things. The healing that began there continues. Selina asks the hard questions. I trust […]