“Wow! I just did that meditation my 3rd eye is still buzzing will write about it soon!!!”
“My first private session with Selina was absolutely mind-blowing. I had a number of different energy works when I lived in UK but I had never had the multi-dimensional experience and the depth of healing Selina offers. It took me a few days to align myself to a new vibration but it was so wonderful and I noticed a big difference. She understands what I really strive for and also mental/spiritual blocks that prevent me from moving forward. It is a special gift she has and I strongly recommend that anybody who wants to move forward on a spiritual path should have sessions with her. I recommend private sessions (and “Entering the Temple Circle”) to anyone who needs healing also who wants to find out her/his own “authentic self”. It could be an overwhelming experience but Selina is always by your side to assist. Thank you Selina, I am so grateful.”
– Mayumi Endo, Wolfville, NS
“To the healers of the world, remember to heal yourselves first before healing others. As a reflection of this commitment to my own wellness and to my clients, I have regular healing sessions with Selina. She is amazingly powerful, gifted and able to handle the responsibility to heal the healers. Her sessions are deep, spiritually enlightening, clearing for the mind, body and spirit.”
– Karen Forrest, Author, Angels of the Maritimes
“I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful healing session I had with you on March 6th. I feel so “light” and my head so much clearer!!!!!! I feel so positive and alive!”
– Arlene Johnson, Collingwood, ON
“The personal healing sessions with Selina helped me remarkably. Since doing them, I have felt a greater connection to Spirit, the Earth, the Spirit Guides and myself. They have brought positive outlook and healing into my life. I would highly recommend them to anyone. They have helped me on my path.”
– Amanda Dainow, Annapolis Valley, NS
“When I began working with Selina, my resources were utterly depleted. Her healing went deep to the heart of this and I followed the suggestions that came from our two sessions, with gusto – spending some time among trees among other things. The healing that began there continues. Selina asks the hard questions. I trust her work absolutely.”
– G. Davies, Freelancer, Halifax, N
“When I began working with Selina, my resources were utterly depleted. Her healing went deep to the heart of this and I followed the suggestions that came from our two sessions, with gusto – spending some time among trees among other things. The healing that began there continues. Selina asks the hard questions. I trust her work absolutely.”
– G. Davies, Freelancer, Halifax, N
“Hello Selina,
Before going to bed I just had to email you to thank you for the time you spent with me and for the information session you gave. You are truly a wonderful sensitive woman with a big heart. Your smile is etched in my brain as is your encompassing energizing energy still resonating around me. It is amazing how I grow spiritually every time I meet you, and today was no exception. Since I have been home my pet birds want to be around me more and talk with me constantly. Even my plants are resonating more than usual. I will never forget this day of friendship and growth.
I greatly appreciate that you took the time for me and all others like me who are on a spiritual journey and speaking the truth to us or just listening.
I hope you sleep well tonight and I wish you well tomorrow at the Expo.
They are predicting rain so please drive back with care. Thank you wise one.”
– Anne Bissonnette. Moncton, New Brunswick
“Hello Selina,
I am so glad I came to see you. I have taken these messages and blessings to heart, and was glad of the reminders. I feel a weight lifted off me. I feel the piece around me being an equal and not bowing down to others has affected me deeply, released some part of my being that didn’t truly believe that i was good enough, or worthy enough.”
– Donna, Healer, Nova Scotia, Canada
“Hi Selina,
Just a note to thank you so much for yesterday. I was so moved by the session and your work. I am very grateful for your energy, and although I’m not exactly sure of the why and what of it all right at this moment, I trust that spirit will direct my next move. Thanks again, I would highly recommend it to friends and you never know our paths may cross again.
Many Blessings”
– Wanda Andrea
“In this time, it is so important for healers to take care of ourselves, as there is much work to be done with the earth and with each other. Little Grandmother Selina’s work “Heal the Healers” is deeply profound, powerful, spiritual, healing, nurturing and cleansing on all levels. I find myself better able to stand in my truth, my power after each session, better able to walk my path as a healer from a more energetically and spiritually clear and whole place. I am more clearly able to connect with my own Divine Presence, my Guides and to understand and strengthen my own gifts, so I can share them with others in a good and healthy way.I love that Little Grandmother Selina and Guides know when to be gentle and nurturing with me, and when to speak “tough” love when I’ve strayed from my path, or got too caught up in every day life, reminding me that while they are the helpers, ultimately it is up to me to do my work.
Little Grandmother Selina’s work is deeply powerful and transformational. I whole heartedly recommend healers come and receive the blessings and teachings of her sessions.”
– Donna Garrison , Massage Therapist, Nova Scotia