Connecting with Mother Earth
My time with Grandmother Selina under her mentorship program was a life-changing experience. Her powerful abilities to heal and guide through meditation has brought me to a new level in my spirituality. During my first session, Grandmother Selina was able to help me connect to Mother Earth, who, we came to discover, was also one […]
Much gratitude and Thanks Grandmother Selina for the blessings I have received during my personal session with you in Georgia. You assisted me in opening my heart to all the positive gifts that I possess and want to share with others. My personal time with you helped bring forth and communicate with my ancestors, connect […]
“Dear Selina, Thank you for your mentorship program. In this age when many people are out of touch with nature and the wisdom traditions that are our shared birthright, it is refreshing to benefit from your expertise and insight. Your deep appreciation of nature, spiritual traditions and the individual, as well as your training and […]
Private Session

When I began working with Selina, my resources were utterly depleted. Her healing went deep to the heart of this and I followed the suggestions that came from our two sessions, with gusto – spending some time among trees among other things. The healing that began there continues. Selina asks the hard questions. I trust […]

Little Grandmother Selina is truly a blessing to us all. Her unwavering commitment to truth and helping us to find the divine, within ourselves and around us is remarkable. Her teachings and knowledge have helped me to remember the greatness that lies within me (and that lies within us all). I firmly believe she is […]

Selina’s Mentorship Program has taught me how to open up my heart and remember who I am as a sacred being. It has helped me to connect with my Spirit Guides so that I can be led on my true sacred path and discover my inner purpose. Her teachings have helped me feel a strong […]